Welcome or our Website
Welcome to the website for the Rural Municipality of Hazelbrook. We hope visitors will use this site to learn more about our community, including our history, Official Plan, By-Laws and public events.
Please feel free to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.
2022General Municipal Election
Public notice is hereby given to the electors of the Rural Municipality of Hazelbrook that the following candidates for Mayor and Councillor have been acclaimed for the Rural Municipality of Hazelbrook Council for the term of office of four (4) years terminating on the 6th day of the month that follows the 2026 general municipal election.
The acclaimed candidates are as follows:
Mayor: Katie Matheson
Councillor: Margaret Pippy
Councillor Tyler MacKenzie
Councillor Carrie Fraser
Councillor Robert MacDougall
Councillor Vivian Doyle
Councillor Kenneth Matheson
With the acclamation of the above candidates, a Municipal Election will not be held on Monday, November 7, 2022.
Municipal Electoral Officer: Ruth E. CopelandRural Minicipality of Hazelbrook Facebook Page
We now have a facebook page! Come visit us at "Community of Hazelbrook, PE".
History of Rural Municipality of Hazelbrook
Towards the end of the 18th century, settlers from England and Scotland came to Pownal Bay and inhabited the area known as Lot 48 or Wadman’s Creek, which is now known as Hazelbrook. The settlers built a road which was improved by the government between 1840 and 1850 and was further upgraded in 1924. In 1956 the Trans Canada Highway was built through the middle of Hazelbrook, essentially dividing the Community in half. The CNR railroad was built in 1904 to connect Murray Harbour to Charlottetown. It operated through the Community for roughly 50 years until it was abandoned.
A church, school and local store were also built in the early 1900’s. With the influence of the growing population centre in Charlottetown the store and the school were closed. The Hazelbrook Baptist Church was unfortunately demolished in 2007 due to physical deterioration which made the building unuseable.
Recent History and Development
Hazelbrook started out as a farming community and largely remains so today. While the number of true full time farmers has declined both locally and across Prince Edward Island, Hazelbrook still remains primarily a farming community. Hazelbrook was incorporated as a municipality in 1974.